
Is A Resin Dental Crown Worth The Savings?

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Dental crowns have both functional and cosmetic uses. A crown fitted over the entire tooth will restore its mass and strength from when the tooth was damaged in an accident or when a large section of its structure was lost to decay. A crown also improves the look of the tooth—and some patients may have perfectly healthy teeth crowned just to enhance the appearance of their smile. To achieve these improvements, the crowns used in cosmetic dentistry are usually made of porcelain.…

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What Your Dentist Wants You To Know About Your Upcoming Dental Implant Surgery

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The clue is in the name, and you’ve no doubt concluded that a dental implant requires implantation. This calls for oral surgery, although the procedure is minor and not typically complex. But the fact that you require surgery may be mildly confronting, especially as the date of the procedure approaches. You’ll find it useful to know what to expect.  Preparing for a Dental Implant Unless you receive instructions to the contrary, you’ll find that there’s minimal effort involved in preparing for a dental implant.…

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Home Toothache Remedies And Dental Procedures To Repair Your Tooth

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A toothache can make you miserable. The pain can be severe or it can be mild, but either way, the pain can interfere with your ability to sleep or work. If you have a bad toothache, consider calling an emergency dentist for help. Getting quick relief could keep you from missing work or suffering longer than you need to. Here are some home treatments you can try to ease your tooth pain and what an emergency dentist might do to help.…

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4 Important Aspects Of Good Dental Care

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Dental care is important throughout your life so you can keep your teeth well into old age. Having healthy teeth is important for a number of reasons. You’ll maintain your smile and you’ll be able to eat the foods you love. Plus, you’ll avoid expensive dental treatments like root canals, implants, and dentures if you keep your natural teeth healthy. Here’s a look at important aspects of good dental care.…

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The Benefits Of Seeking Sedation Dentistry

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Some people don’t mind dental work and are happy to remain 100% conscious through most any procedure. But for most people, dental work is at least somewhat unpleasant. Those people tend to seek a service called sedation dentistry. When you undergo a procedure with sedation, you are not fully “out” like you would be with anesthesia. However, you are sedated, which means you are less aware than usual. Beyond being more comfortable, what are the benefits of sedation dentistry?…

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Same-Day Dental Crowns: What To Know

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While you can have a traditional crown treatment, some dentists also offer same-day crown procedures. Read on to learn how this option works and about its advantages and disadvantages. What Are Same-Day Crowns? Traditional crown procedures take some time. You’ll have multiple appointments over a period of days or weeks depending on how long your crown takes to make.  Your dentist has to take at least one mold impression of the tooth.…

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Making The Natural Choice In Dental Implants

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Dental implants represent a huge step in the right direction for many people with missing teeth. Implants provide people with easy-to-care-for alternatives to dentures and bridges. They look and feel like a person’s own teeth. Some dental implant patients desire a more natural implant made of zircon rather than titanium. To find out more, read on. Traditional Implants In most cases, traditional implants consist of a titanium post that is inserted into the gum and jawbone.…

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Two Reasons To Start Taking Your Toddler To A Pediatric Dentist Today

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Good oral health has benefits that go far beyond possessing an amazing smile. When your teeth are in pristine condition, you have the confidence to greet the world with a spirit of abundance; you are unafraid to showcase who you are and are confident enough to pursue the opportunities that come your way. However, getting to this point as an adult traditionally begins when you are just a small child. If you want to ensure that your own toddler is able to enjoy a great set of teeth as they progress through life, find out why you should take them to a pediatric dentist immediately.…

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What Are The 3 Different Kinds Of Toothaches And Their Meaning?

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Have you ever felt a sharp discomfort in your tooth while eating? You are not alone. Many have experienced this kind of pain in their lifetime. This discomfort is treatable and can be managed when you visit a general dental practitioner. But before you call the practitioner, you need to understand the pain you are suffering from to get an insight into what is happening. Here are the kinds of tooth pain and their meaning.…

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5 Major Causes Of Teeth Sensitivity

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Teeth sensitivity manifests in different ways. For example, you could feel discomfort in your teeth when you have cold beverages. Sometimes you will notice that you wince as you clean and floss your teeth. Discover five things that could trigger or cause teeth sensitivity. 1. Inappropriate Brushing Techniques You must brush your teeth daily and thoroughly to maintain healthy teeth. However, when you constantly use a hard-bristled toothbrush, you trigger teeth sensitivity.…

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