Teeth Cleaning At Your Dentist's Office Can Help Ensure A Brighter, Healthier Smile
As often as you likely brush and floss at home, getting your teeth cleaned at your dentist's office is still an important part of your oral hygiene plan. The special tools that dental hygienists use to clean teeth can do a more thorough job than brushing and flossing alone. After your cleaning, your teeth will likely feel smoother and look brighter as you get ready to show your smile again to the world.
How Teeth Cleaning Is Performed
If you haven't had your teeth cleaned at a dentist's office in a long time, you might be surprised by some of the newest innovations that have helped improve the ways that teeth are cleaned. The hygienist uses special handheld tools that are designed to clean each surface of every tooth more thoroughly and reach the areas that are often more difficult to reach with a toothbrush. Film and buildups on teeth that are more difficult to eliminate may be removed with stainless steel scrapers that are used to scrape each tooth clean without harming the tooth enamel. A handheld device with a spinning head can then be used to polish the teeth to make them extra clean and shiny.
Plaque Removal
Professional teeth cleaning service offers one of the most effective ways to remove plaque buildups on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance that can form on teeth and be difficult to remove with conventional brushing techniques. Having all the plaque buildups on your teeth removed through professional teeth cleaning can help prevent cavities and gum disease.
Gum Health Checkup
The hygienist can also check the health status of your gums during your teeth cleaning. If any unusual bleeding of the gums is noticed during your cleaning, the hygienist can check to see if gum disease is present, and the hygienist may also advise you to brush and floss more thoroughly and may show you different techniques that are more effective. The hygienist can even take measurements of your gums to look for areas where problematic gum receding is present.
Checkup From the Dentist
Before or after the hygienist cleans your teeth, the dentist will likely inspect your teeth, gums, and other tissues inside the mouth to look for specific dental problems. If tooth cavities are discovered during the checkup, your dentist may recommend getting fillings after the cleaning. The dentist can even check for any unusual lesions that may be cancerous so that prompt treatment can be sought from a specialist.
You shouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the teeth cleaning service that your dentist provides. Your dentist can let you know how often you should have your teeth cleaned so that you can continue to enjoy good oral health. Reach out to a local dentist when you are ready to schedule a teeth cleaning appointment.