Worried Your Partner Gave You HPV In The Mouth? How To React Now

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Research is now showing that HPV isn’t just a genital and cervical illness that people have to worry about, but that both genders can get oral HPV. If you have had the genitalia of another person in your mouth at some point, and you are now concerned that you could potentially have HPV, you want to get in to see a dentist right away. Here are some of things that you want to have done at the appointment.…

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Why Do Your Braces Hurt?

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Getting braces is wonderful for straightening out your teeth, but they do take a bit of getting used to. Braces can feel tight and even cause discomfort as you get used to them. Why do your braces hurt? Use this guide to assist you, then call your orthodontist for relief. Wires Are Protruding Wires from your braces’ metal brackets can come loose and break away, or they can simply protrude into your gums and cause discomfort or pain.…

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Warning Signs Of An Impacted Wisdom Tooth

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Most adults know that they will likely have to get their wisdom teeth removed at some point. However, unless these teeth break the surface of the gums you may not even know they are there. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause a myriad of serious problems, including the formation of cysts that could cause permanent nerve damage. Taking care of an impacted tooth quickly is important when it comes to preserving your health.…

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